Rodal SpA
- 1957
- Nov 02
Scarabelli y Cia Ltda
SCARABELLI and Cia Ltda is born, dedicated to the manufacture of Rubber Rollers for various uses.
- 1960
Nov 02Rodillos de Goma Pedro Alvarez De La Calle y Cia Ltda
After the dissolution of SCARABELLI and Cia Ltda., Pedro Alvarez De La Calle Rubber Rollers and Cia Ltda. Were born, also dedicated to the manufacture of Rubber Rollers.
- 1962
Nov 02Start of Operation
At the same time, the company Fernando and Isidoro Izurieta Goya y Cia Ltda., Dedicated to the manufacture of molded rubber articles, began operations.
- 1973
Nov 02Business Fusion
After the death of Mr. Pedro Alvarez De La Calle, the merger of the companies P. Alvarez De La Calle and Cia Ltda. And Fernando and Isidoro Izurieta Goya and Cia Ltda, forming Moldeados y Rolillos de Goma Ltda., Known in the market by its fantasy name RODAL LTDA, dedicated to the manufacture of the Molded and Rubber Rollers.
- 1995
Nov 02Modernization Process
The first French-made rubber injection molding machine arrived in Chile, acquired by our company, with which the modernization process in the section molded
- 1997
Nov 02We are a Limited Company
The company after a generational change becomes a Limited Company, being today as Molded and Rollers of Goma S.A. and whose fantasy name is Industrias Rodal S.A.
- 1999
Nov 02The First Intelligent Head
The company acquires the First Intelligent Head and the Automatic Gumming Machine from the USA, with which the modernization process in the Rollers Section begins.
- 2000
Nov 02New Injection
The Company acquires the first Polyurethane Injection Molding Machine from France, with which the modernization process in the Polyurethane Section begins.
- 2003
Nov 02Mr. Fernando Izurieta G.
The Company regrets the departure of one of the first founders, Mr. Fernando Izurieta Goya, who leaves a legacy of Effort, Sacrifice and Development, inserted in the collective memory of our workers.
- 2005
Nov 02María Mara Álvarez Scarabelli
The Company regrets the departure of one of the first members, Mrs. María Mara Álvarez Scarabelli.
- 2006
Nov 02New Warehouses
The construction of the new sheds for the manufacture of Rollers begins.
- 2008
Nov 02Molded sheds
Construction of the Molded Complete Warehouse.
- 2014
Nov 17Isidoro Izurieta G.
We are left by one of the last founders, Mr. Isidoro Izurieta Goya, who also leaves us a legacy of Effort, Sacrifice and Development inserted in the collective memory of our worker.